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zo 10 nov



Tot de dood op het Storytelling Festival! (in het Engels)

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Tijd en locatie

10 nov 2024, 13:15 – 14:15

Amsterdam, Bos en Lommerweg 191, 1055 DT Amsterdam, Nederland

Over het evenement

February 2019. Arjen’s husband is diagnosed with cancer and not much later it turns out he has metastases. After believing that it is curable for a while, that hope fades after six months. On 18 March 2021, he dies.

What is it like to live with someone you have to say goodbye to? How do you deal with the fact that everything you thought was certain is suddenly uncertain? How do you live on after that?

Based on how he experienced this period of saying goodbye, mourning, fleeing and getting up again to carry on, Arjen Barel shares his own story. In all honesty and vulnerability. Order your tickets here.

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